Sweet 16 Isn’t Just For Birthdays


Sweet 16 isn’t just for birthdays!

WOW!!! It’s day 16 of the 31 Day Kindness challenge!! These are just suggestions because any kind act matters!

Our 31 Days of Kindness Challenge continues…

 Kindness starts with us!

DAY 1…

Call a loved one you haven’t spoken to in a while.

Be encouraging


Bring donuts or other delicious sweets to work

Don’t complain


Leave a kind note for a family member or friend

Collect can goods for a food bank


Donate blood (if able)

Make it a point to smile at every one you see or pass by


Send flowers to a teacher (current or former) who has dedicated his/her life to teaching

Donate old books or magazines to a hospital or nursing home


Use this day to catch up. After all, it’s not about quantity. It’s about quality.


Praise someone at work for doing a good job

Check in on someone you know is alone


Make amends with someone you have wronged

Pay for the person behind you in the drive-thru


Hug a family member

Give your pocket change to someone who needs it

DAY 10

Pick up any trash/liter you see

Put a grocery cart back where it belongs

DAY 11

Give a generous to a server

Go out of your comfort zone to make a new friend

DAY 12

Introduce yourself to a neighbor

Be thankful…

DAY 13

Write a letter to a friend

Say ‘thank you’ a lot

DAY 14

Let people merge in traffic

Be someone’s cheerleader

DAY 15

Smile easily and laugh

Recognize the good in others

DAY 16

Take a meal to a family you know

Run an errand for somebody

DAY 17

Say something nice to everyone you see

Offer someone behind you in the grocery check-out line to go in front of you.

 DAY 18

Give encouragement to someone who is working hard

Make a personalized playlist for a family member

 DAY 19

Call someone you haven’t spoken to in a while

Always keep your word


Sweet 16 isn’t just for birthdays! It is also for DAY 16 0f our challenge.  Keep up the good work.

I invite you to follow me on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/laurasjourneyofhope

Be blessed!


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